Statue and Regulations


Contents of the Statutes:

I. Name, head office, purpose and assets of the Foundation

Art. 1 Name and head office
Art. 2 Purpose
Art. 3 Assets

II. Organisation of the Foundation

Art. 4 Bodies of the Foundation
Art. 5 Foundation Council and composition
Art. 6 Incorporation, admissions and resignations
Art. 7 Term of office
Art. 8 Competences
Art. 9 Decisions
Art. 10 Responsibilities of the bodies of the Foundation
Art. 11 Regulations
Art. 12 Auditing body

III. Amendment to the deed of foundation and dissolution of the same

Art. 13 Amendment to the deed of foundation
Art. 14 Dissolution

IV. Trade register

Art. 15 Entry in the trade register
Art. 16 Applicable law

V. Arbitration court

Art. 16 Applicable law

Statute of the Renato Grandi Foundation

Il Regulations

The following regulations establish the operating rules of the Foundation. Any modification and supplement to the regulations is adopted by the Board of Directors with full respect for the statutory norms.

The contents of the regulations:

Art. 1 - Composition and requirements
Art. 2 - Term of office
Art. 3 - Competences of the Board
Art. 4 - Competences of the Chairman
Art. 5 - Competences of the Secretary-Treasurer
Art. 6 - Functioning and resolution of the Board
Art. 7 - Minutes
Art. 8 - Decision through the circulation of the deeds
Art. 9 - Unanimity in decisions
Art. 10 - Financial year
Art. 11 - Report
Art. 12 - Method of selection of the beneficiaries of the Foundation
Art. 13 - Categories of beneficiaries
Art. 14 - Mode of use of the beneficiary of the Foundation
Art. 15 - Management of the Assets of the Foundation
Art. 16 - Bookkeeping of the Foundation
Art. 17 - Amendments to the Regulations of the Foundation

The members of the board: Mrs. Viviana Grandi "Chairman", Ing. Armando Grandi "Vice-Chairman",
Mr. Alberto Allievi, Mr. Giuseppe Biella, Mr. Leonardo Capitini, Mr. Rocco Cappa, Avv. Davide Mottis,
Dr. Giovanni Pedrazzini.
Secretary : Mrs. Silvia Scalisi

Renato Grandi Foundation Regulations


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CH-6900 Lugano (TI)
Telefono: +41 91 924 96 07
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