Creation of a new Renato Grandi Pediatric Outcare Center in Guinea Bissau - West Africa -

I pediatri Dr. Savimbe, D.ssa Clementina,
Dr. Elisio, Dr. Augusto

Considering the success of the creation of a firs Outcare Pediatric Center (Renato Grandi Pediatric and Cardiology Center), the Foundation decided to build a new Pediatric Ambulatory in Bissau. The aim is to ensure quality pediatric assistance for a population of around 20-30.000 children per year.
In this regard, the Foundation has funded a pediatric internship program in Cuba for three Guinean doctors; now that they are graduate pediatricians, they support Doctor Augusto Bidonga.
In addition to the medical examination rooms, the new facility shall have a diagnostic investigation area, equipped with radiology, sonography and echocardiography devices, eight beds for outpatient therapies as well as a prenatal diagnostic wing.
The new center offers exclusively ambulatory cares, the main goal being that of working in close collaboration with teh existing local health structures, first of all the Simao Mendez National Hospital, and with the other twenty healthcare centers and "contact points" located in various areas of the city.
To date the costruction has been completed and on February 15 it was inaugureted in the presence of the Prime Minister and the Minister oh Health.

In 2022 the expansion works began, we will become a pediatric hospital with 44 beds. The works will be completed at the beginning of 2024



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