Il Burkina Faso formerly Alto Volta, is an western African country landlocked to the sea.
It is bordered by Mali, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana, and Côte d'Ivoire.
The World Development Report puts him in 183 th place in the ranking of 186 countries, with a human development index of 0.343 (UNDP-Human Development Report 2013). Switzerland has an HDI equal to 0.903 and the ranking is placed  in 9th place.
In Burkina Faso education is compulsory between 7 to 13 years;  despite this and the fact that it is free of charge. 
The net rate of school attendance is 47% and the rate that of adult literacy by 29%.
Primary schools are needed and in the others schools there arent’t enough spaces.
One of the fundamental rights of children is education.

The Foundation Renato Garndi takes charge of the entire project ARSEB including:
a water hole to provide water to the school and villagers, a building with six classrooms, an office, a warehouse and latrines.

Tanlarghin is a village of 1200 inhabitants, whose main activity is agriculture. It 's located in the Municipality of Saaba 10 km east of Ouagadougou, the capital. Tanlarguin is take the form of several small villages distant from each other by 500 meters to 2.5 km.
The local community donated the land on which  build the school.  It 'a noble gesture as  the inhabitants of Tanlarguin firmly believe in the success of this project for the future of their children.
The project will be done personally by the President of ARSEB founder, Mr. Sansan Pale.

The estimate cost of the project is   EURO 51'221,51
excluding pumping system for photovoltaic energy, purchase land and fence
of which:  Euro   8'500,00      for the water hole with hand pump and the water tank;
                Euro 38'521,51      for the construction of the building with tree classrooms, but there will be six;
                Euro   4'200,00      for the furnishing of classrooms and office

Expenses incurred: 
30.06.2014    EURO    8'500,00    Water hole with hand pump and water tank. Executed and running.
19.11.2014    EURO  20'000,00    Start of construction , solar pump , purchase land and fence ( not budgeted )
31.01.2015    EURO  20'000,00    progress of the project
10.03.2015    EURO  10'000,00    progress of the project, workforce
30.03.2015    EURO  10'000,00    progress of the project
21.04.2015    EURO  15'000,00    progress of the project
06.07.2015    EURO    5'000,00    progress of the project
31.08.2015    EURO    5'000,00    progress of the project
19.10.2015    EURO    5'000,00    progress of the project
27.11.2015    EURO    5'000,00    end of the project
25.04.2016    EURO 10'717,71     furniture, teaching materials and opening fees
22.09.2016    EURO   2'821,00     inauguration
07.07.2017    EURO   4'965,26     higher wall
23.10.2017    EURO   4'334,00     lowered ceiling
15.12.2017    EURO   7'311,00     tile flooring

We are looking for support to other partner that help us. Any contribution is very important to us.

Thank you to all donors.

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